
Workshops and training courses

In customized training courses and workshops, I offer you valuable impulses and - if you wish - also accompany you during implementation. Through interactive formats, time for discussion and much more, you will gain new perspectives in an inspiring environment.


Microsoft-Mania: How to Simply Organize Yourself

Put an end to chaos and welcome to a new level of productivity! Not only are the theoretical basics of self-organization taught here, but also lots of practical tips and tricks that make life easier. We take a look at what's available in the Microsoft universe and what it's designed for - in a live demo. There will also be time for questions and discussion.

Be strong in project business: self-management for professionals

In a world full of complex projects and demanding tasks, it is crucial to maintain an overview and work efficiently. But how do you manage to stay calm and focused in the midst of this chaos?

In this training course you will not only learn how to organize yourself in the jungle, but also how to deal with the challenges of the project business with confidence. Let's explore the path to self-management excellence in the project business together!

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Headaches are a thing of the past: problem solving made easy

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to solve problems effortlessly while others get stuck in an endless jungle of decisions?

In this seminar you will not only learn how to clear obstacles out of the way, but also how to make good decisions that are not only smart but also entertaining! Pack your thinking cap and let's untangle the knots in your head together!

Professional Presentation: Convincing on site and in virtual space

No doubt your days are also full of meetings and presentations. Here it is crucial to express yourself clearly and convincingly - whether on site or online. But how do you manage to appear present and confident in the midst of these challenges? In this workshop, you will not only learn how to get your message across effectively, but also how to deal with the special requirements of face-to-face and online presentations.


Effective communication and teamwork: looking behind the scenes of human communication

You can only be as effective as your own communication is effective. Of course, all methods and processes are important, but we all work in teams. These are more dynamic and diverse than ever. Work on improving your own communication skills, but also on strengthening team dynamics and cooperation within the team. You will also learn how to develop your leadership skills and how to motivate and support your team members.

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More customized workshops or training courses

In my experience, individually designed workshops are more effective and sustainable. Discuss with me what a tailor-made workshop could look like for you and your team.


Team turbo: How to get your team's productivity up to speed

Our working world is constantly changing and presents us with very complex tasks. It is therefore essential that teams work together efficiently and harmoniously to achieve both corporate and personal goals.

Together we can work out how you can increase your productivity by improving self-management, developing project management skills and making your processes effective. Get ideas on how to improve team dynamics and make even better arrangements for cooperation in order to maximize team performance. Let's explore the path to team excellence and increased productivity together, e.g. as a so-called "Learner Journey": 3 events spread over approx. 1 month:

  • Kick Off (1.5 hours, virtual)
  • In-person event (1 day)
  • Follow-up (after 2-3 weeks, 2-3 hours, virtual or in-person)
Self & Project Mastery
Project management & team leadership
Qualification for vocational training

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