In my work as a consultant and coach, I read a lot of books so that I can refine my methods and approaches for my clients. Here are my top 5 recommendations that can help you improve your productivity and self-management:
- The 7 Ways to Effectiveness: Principles for Personal and Professional Success – Stephen Covey
Stephen Covey offers profound insights into the habits of successful people – it is also about the habit of thinking, i.e. the inner attitude that not only makes you (more) successful, but above all happier and more satisfied. This book was a real eye-opener for me and many of my clients, especially in project and middle management.
👉 Book recommendation: The 7 paths to effectiveness* 👈
My tip: It’s not an “easy read”, so I recommend taking your time and making notes. For those in a hurry, there are many helpful summaries on YouTube. - Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity – David Allen
This book is a classic in the field of productivity. The principles in it have become a game-changer for my own self-management and that of many of my clients. David Allen introduces a way of thinking and approach that can help you reduce mental stress and not only organize tasks efficiently, but feel like you have “things under control”.
👉 Book recommendation: Getting Things Done* 👈
Important tip: Read the latest English edition, as the German translation is unfortunately not at all convincing. - The 1% method: minimum change, maximum impact – James Clear
This book has good news for all chaotic and yet perfectionist-minded people: it doesn’t depend on one big, perfect change. James Clear explains simply and logically how small, continuous improvements can lead to big changes. His method is easy to understand and implement and has helped me and many of my clients to tackle challenges step by step and build a productivity system that works.
👉 Book recommendation: The 1% method* 👈 - The PARA method: How to simplify, organize and master your digital life
– Tiago Forte
Many of my clients are struggling with the pitfalls and, unfortunately, often overwhelm of today’s digital life. Tiago Forte offers a structured and contemporary method for organizing your own digital world. The PARA method also questions your own attitude and mindset: What do I need to save and how do I do it best? Tiago shows how to store and manage data for projects and tasks in order to gain more control over your (not only digital) life.
👉 Book recommendation: The PARA method* 👈 - How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – Sönke Ahrens
If you find the PARA method helpful, you can go one step further and question and improve your own note-taking. So often we write too little or too much, too chaotically or incomprehensibly. Sönke Ahrens presents a simple but effective technique for taking notes that improves writing, learning and thinking.
👉 Book recommendation: How to Take Smart Notes* 👈
These books have helped me and my clients personally and I’m sure they will provide you with valuable tools and insights too. If you would like to find your own path to productivity that fits your needs and your specific everyday life, please contact me for a 👉 free and non-binding introductory meeting 👈. Enjoy reading and putting it into practice!
*) The above links are affiliate links from Amazon.
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